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@glenjamin yes, everything goes directly to production. Since this happens many times per day it becomes less scary, and mostly problems are easily correlated with very few commits. Highly recommended!

Hvorfor har det blitt så populært å jobbe med pull requester når vi vet at kontinuerlig integrasjon gir økt kvalitet? Jeg har skrevet litt om hvorfor jeg mener PRs er en dårlig match for teamarbeid

@lettosprey @forteller for noe rør. Jeg kjører fra sone 2S. Selv med 4 dager på kontoret i uka (vanlig uke, av og til færre) er månedskort dyrere enn reis...

Christian boosted
Christian boosted

Which of the following best describes your political views?
(Please boost to spread this poll wider)

You don't have to rewrite your apps every 3-5 years. You just need to design it with some care. I recently gave a presentation about the architecture that helped our frontend codebase stay in kick ass shape, even after 9 years of continuous work:

@headius it was very interesting and well presented, thanks!

Christian boosted

In response to Google's monopolistic implementation of Web Environment Integrity, I have a modest proposal:

Open source JavaScript libraries should add bugs which only occur when they find "navigator.getEnvironmentIntegrity" is being used.

Go into a "while(true)" loop. Start throwing exceptions randomly. Just fuck up the page. Make the lives of every developer who is in the origin trial who uses your library completely miserable.

If they want to fork, they have the freedom to do so. But then they're taking on the maintenance that they would prefer to outsource to their community.

If you have enough big libraries doing this, it might make a dent.

Christian boosted

Twitter is now paying people to spread hate

Reminder: if you’re still on Twitter—your presence and your interactions generate revenue. You’re literally funding the alt right.



Christian boosted

Hvis du lurte på hvordan du kan lage din egen lille logg-løsning uten å bryte GDPR så har @christian fortalt litt om hvordan det kan gjøres for web

Christian boosted

I wonder how many persons with an IT background use fedi vs people with no IT background...

:renoteRequested: for reach (?

Christian boosted

Hiring a software engineer in their late 40s:

* Understands your stack better than you do after glancing through the repo for five minutes.
* Will rewrite said stack 2x as fast, and half as buggy if you let them.

* Gives zero fucks.
* Knows we're not *really* like family here.
* No, seriously, absolutely zero fucks given.

Do not cite the deep magic to me, product manager, I was there when it was written.

Hvis jeg hadde drevet en butikk som brukte Klarna til betaling hadde jeg begynt å bli litt svett i henda av deres åpenbare strategi for å kannibalisere kundene sine. På tide å finne frem Stripe eller?

@bitbear Yes, someone within the team needs to have the overview - the more the better. I agree with this. Sounds like you agree with me: architecture is a development consideration - a role, not a position.

@craignicol I strongly disagree that someone who only knows Terraform and OpenAPI can make meaningful decisions about software architecture.

Software "architecture" is just software design removed from software development, often performed by other people than those who develop the software, and pretty much a terrible idea. Agree? Disagree? Why?

Christian boosted

I et helt år har @christian og jeg kodet et spill for åpen skjerm på Det endte opp med 53 episoder av ca 15 minutter, og et lite spill som faktisk funker. Veldig artig! 😄 Hvis du ikke er så opptatt av kodingen, men har lyst til å se hvordan spillet ble, så lenker jeg direkte til den avsluttende spillrunden her:

1. juni arrangerer vi meetup om Datomic - en (nå gratis) fantastisk immutable database med queries over historiske verdier og masse annet spennende - på teknologihuset i Oslo. Bli med!

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