My latest project is written in plain JS (not TS, or any babel-stuff).

Dynamic typing doesn't bother me. In fact, I love the lack of a compilation step and being able to type `node` and just call functions willy-nilly.

Sure, the lack of static typing leads me to some questionable design choices, but I find that as long as I'm writing tests and writing new modules instead of refactoring old ones, it's easy to maintain.

JS ain't that bad, is what I'm saying.

*takes cover*

@robinheghan dynamic typing leads you to questionable design choices? How?

@christian Bad phrasing.

Static typing makes me think through design decisions at an earlier stage. I often find that in dynamicly typed languages I don't realize something is a bad idea _before_ having used it in several places.

So dynamic typing doesn't lead to questionable design choices, but it also doesn't have a natural step where I stop to think about the design.

Of course, this is probably natural as I only use dynamic langs in side-projects, and static languages at work.


@robinheghan Sounds like you have come to rely on cost of static typing as a break to stop to think. So maybe the lesson is that coding as fast as possible leads to bad design choices 😊

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