@robinheghan "Ofte" er relativt 😅 Jeg vil ikke si at det er ofte det dukker opp Clojure-prosjekter, men vi har allikevel en del prosjekter i sekken. Akkurat nå er vi 8 folk (tror jeg) som skriver Clojure i to forskjellige prosjekter.
@arnemart Never heard, giving it a shot.
Opeth's Deliverance has been on repeat here (again) the past couple of weeks, fantastic album: https://open.spotify.com/album/0qCxwUOJJSowIzexnZeX4m?si=AyNvPfiERT-ConmmcvEGMg
Had the honour to be guest on the first episode of "Show me your REPL" with @niquola !
Trying out the Arc browser and really liking it so far: https://thebrowser.company I wonder what their business model is...
Seeing some posts talking about fediblocking turning Mastodon into a "filter bubble." No. We absolutely do not need abusive or fascist views to have a high level of intellectual diversity. Full stop. That hate can fester somewhere else.
After 20 years of social media, the experiment has been run. Hateful people are unconvinced by rational argument, so there's no point engaging with them.
This is a rotten, disingenuous, meritless argument, from A to Z.
Fascism is to be defeated, not debated.
@broerjuang thanks 😊🙏
Interested in game dev, functional programming, or #Clojure? Join me and @christian in our ongoing screen cast where we create a zombie dice game. New episode out now! https://www.parens-of-the-dead.com
@plexus Belgium. Cantillon, Chouffe, Westvleteren, Westmalle, so much classic fluid stuff 😋
Of you're ever in need of i18n or theming in Clojure, check out mine and @magnars latest open source library: https://github.com/cjohansen/m1p
Typer er vel og bra, men noen av oss trives allikevel godt uten. @magnars har skrevet fint om hvordan vi får til det: https://www.kodemaker.no/blogg/2022-11-16-savner-ikke-typer/
I play guitar and board games, I write Clojure for work and fun, and I bake bread, cook and occasionally brew beer.