Of you're ever in need of i18n or theming in Clojure, check out mine and @magnars latest open source library: https://github.com/cjohansen/m1p
Typer er vel og bra, men noen av oss trives allikevel godt uten. @magnars har skrevet fint om hvordan vi får til det: https://www.kodemaker.no/blogg/2022-11-16-savner-ikke-typer/
The network panel in all the browser's devtools are completely bonkers. Safari: click "Headers" to find the request body. WTF. Firefox groups request and response headers in the same tab WTF. Nothing is available until the request has completed WTF. And so on. Request/response shouldn't be that hard to give a good UI.
Hvis du må fly inn 300 IT-konsulenter når du setter et IT-system i drift så har du gjort så mye feil at jeg vet ikke engang hvor jeg skal begynne https://www.nrk.no/trondelag/amerikanske-epic-har-flydd-inn-300-ansatte-for-a-bista-i-utrullinga-av-helseplattformen-1.16176635
I play guitar and board games, I write Clojure for work and fun, and I bake bread, cook and occasionally brew beer.