@sean_ae Oooh, that's nice! Here's me jumping on the March 3 bandwagon:

@Lime Great MIDI sequencer for up to six voices of external gear. Cool song mode, some deep tricks/hacks there with (actual) polyrhythms as a possibility, and it can remix a single pattern beyond recognition. Arpeggiator + the internal drum sounds is very jammable. Voice synthesis with three s&h LFOs generates sick, confused robot talk, send it into a vocoder for max impact. Some very nice FM and acid basses with cool modulation from both the LFOs and the parameter locks.

Murders in the Rohan
Someone call the Gandalf
Murders in the Rohan
Am I ever going to Bree

Some next level attention has gone into the recreation of this

#Eightball by #danielclowes just got reprinted in a single volume! It's my favourite comic and I'm going to be re-reading it. It's a wild, vulgar, hilarious compilation of social commentary. While I re-read it I think I'll slowly post a thread here trying to shine some light on why it's so great. #altcomix #comics

@VLR Det ser aldeles nydelig ut! Gleder meg til å inspisere.

A Quadraverb comes back to life. Sketchy power switch out, jumper cable in while I try to source a replacement part.

Hard at work on the repair list, four boxes done in three days. RNC (new opamp), x0xb0x (new regulator) and 2x MKS-50s (wobbly PSU terminals).


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