@sean_ae Cheers! 🙏
@lislegaard I'll be seeing you there!
@sean_ae I have a Cause'n'FX rack full of those.
@Lime Great MIDI sequencer for up to six voices of external gear. Cool song mode, some deep tricks/hacks there with (actual) polyrhythms as a possibility, and it can remix a single pattern beyond recognition. Arpeggiator + the internal drum sounds is very jammable. Voice synthesis with three s&h LFOs generates sick, confused robot talk, send it into a vocoder for max impact. Some very nice FM and acid basses with cool modulation from both the LFOs and the parameter locks.
Most fun sub bass of the week: Chris Vocoder / Strahlen kalt. #electro
@VLR Savage!
@sean_ae Lots of t b?
@sean_ae Best mate Lech Turing
@VLR Big up on the new Liðvarð track. #acid #tensornorm
#Eightball by #danielclowes just got reprinted in a single volume! It's my favourite comic and I'm going to be re-reading it. It's a wild, vulgar, hilarious compilation of social commentary. While I re-read it I think I'll slowly post a thread here trying to shine some light on why it's so great. #altcomix #comics
@kravse Oh thanks, been waiting for a reissue!
@VLR Det blir nok dæns, ja!
@VLR Det ser aldeles nydelig ut! Gleder meg til å inspisere.
A Quadraverb comes back to life. Sketchy power switch out, jumper cable in while I try to source a replacement part. #electronics #diy
Hard at work on the repair list, four boxes done in three days. RNC (new opamp), x0xb0x (new regulator) and 2x MKS-50s (wobbly PSU terminals). #electronics #synths
Norway. Electro. Metal.
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